If you're ready to go from

starving artist or hard working hustler to thriving, successful 
business owner, 

this is the place for you.









Doors open until January 6th!



Let’s bust the myths first.

Being a creative entrepreneur
does not mean you have to resign yourself to a life of living gig to gig, paycheck to paycheck.

You don't have to live your life on a constant anxiety rollercoaster of emptying your bank account on the 1st to pay your bills, just to scramble-panic till the 31st to do it all again.

You don't need a "backup job" to make ends meet.

You don't need a patron to cover your bills, or to spend all your time in paranoia and self-doubt that maybe your work just isn't good enough for you to make a living off of.


You can break the feast or famine cycle!

  • You can learn everything you need to know to feel like a competent, capable business owner.
  • You can build self-confidence in yourself as a business owner, so that you stop quitting every time you hit a rough patch or a disappointment.
  • You can clarify your unique genius into irresistible offers that deeply aligned humans resonate with and can't wait to buy.
  • You can get comfortable charging money, earning money, and managing your money well, so that you feel not only safe with the money you have now, but safe with becoming much more wealthy than you've ever been before.

You are capable of all of this and so much more!

I've talked to so many creative entrepreneurs,
and so many of them have the same story...


One day, they made the decision to turn their passion into a business.

They decided they were done working for someone else, and ready to make money doing what they loved.

They were excited. On fire. Inspired. Nervous, but determined.

For the first time maybe ever, they felt like they knew what they were called to do, and felt ready to do it.

(You know the
but is coming…)

But they got
into trying to run their business, and all of their initial excitement got drowned by confusion, overwhelm, insecurity, and noise.

They found that selling felt sleazy and terrifying.

They found social media for business to feel scammy and confusing.

They were worried about spamming people, being annoying, people not liking their offerings, but they also felt confused about what to even post and when and where.

They felt undervalued, with people asking them to work for free, or being afraid their rates were too expensive and alienating people.

And systems? Organization? Contracts? Forget about it.

They quickly found that everything about business just seems so overwhelming. All they wanted was to do the thing they love and get paid for it!

And then…

Then they start looking for answers to their business questions online. They find grifter “coaches” who don’t actually know how to teach business, and get sucked into flashy marketing with promises of million dollar launches that appeal to their secret fantasy that they’ll be “discovered” and whisked into ease and financial success overnight.

They find dozens of freebies, pdfs, and youtube videos that give contradictory advice, and they start trying to implement them, only to end up with a bunch of half-started projects that create a lot of busy work and anxiety but provide no clear pathway or solutions to the problems they’re experiencing in their business.

They start feeling like maybe they suck at what they do.

Or maybe they’re just not good at business.

Or maybe their prices are too high.

They start picking up side jobs to make ends meet.

They’re overworking, under-earning, frustrated, and clinging tight to their dream of doing the work they love on their own terms while slowly becoming convinced it will just never happen for them….


If you can relate to every bit of this story,
then The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven
was built exclusively for you.


I'm ready to join.

Welcome to The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven.

The Hybrid Group Coaching, Course, & Community for heart-centered creative entrepreneurs ready to stop struggling and start living in their business.

Witch, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.

The good news is, you’re good at what you do.
You’re probably fucking great at it.

You’ve probably got a mixture of innate talent, drive and desire for the work, and years worth of study and practice invested in your craft. So you can let go of the fear that you’re not good enough now — that’s not the problem. (Especially ‘cause you know you see people out there who aren’t half as good as you making way more money!)

Now, I want to ask you to imagine that someone who
wants to do what you do walks up to you at a party — brand new to the craft and green as the grass on a suburban front lawn — and tells you that they expect that they can be as good as you are at what you do right away, from a few freebies and youtube videos.

Are you laughing at the thought? Rolling your eyes? Spit-taking your latte?

Of course. Because you know that it took you hours of learning and practice to reach your current level of competency at what you do.

So, uh, here’s the bad news.

Business is no different than any other big creative undertaking. You can have some personality traits and life experiences that make you more likely to be somewhat business-savvy, but business skills need to be learned, and Entrepreneurship is something that needs to be practiced to build competency in it.

It’s not something you should just “know.”

It’s not something you can get good at from a few freebies and youtube videos, or a few specialized courses on funnels or perfecting your IG grid here and there.

not a "quick, fast, easy" secret to building a business that works for you.

The answer to the question, “how do I turn my skill into a successful business?” isn't gimmicky or flashy. It's not glamorous, and it's not as simple as just implementing “one simple thing and having life-changing results.”

I know that sucks to hear, and I’m not here to shit in your Cheerios, but the real process is going to require time and practice.

That answer doesn’t sell well.

I could make a lot more money if I promised you it was going to be simple and fast.

And that’s why a lot of fake-ass “coaches” are out there raking in huge money on false promises they can’t deliver on.

It’s the business version of diet culture. It’s designed to appeal to the part of us that wants to believe that we can wave a magic wand and be good at something we haven’t put in the hours to master, or have results we didn’t earn.

A mature creator understands that getting great at anything requires committing yourself to an ongoing path that includes  Education, Coaching, and Community.

So that’s exactly what we built.

Join The Coven
and start growing your heart-centered business TODAY!


The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven is part
Hippy Wizard Business School,
part highly effective group coaching container,
part buzzing business mastermind,
part goal setting and accountability group,
and 100% transformational.


If you’ve been trying to DIY your business, throwing every random strategy at the wall with no idea why things don’t stick, getting progressively more frustrated and disheartened as you feel further then ever from the excitement you initially felt about starting your business, it’s not your fault.
Here’s what’s going on…

The reason piecemealing your business solutions together from freebies rarely works is that frequently we aren’t asking the right questions, because we don’t know what we don’t know.

What helps is a comprehensive education in a single framework from one mentor and teacher you trust.

To build business acumen, you will need to learn some new things (which also means they have to be taught in a way that makes sense to your creative brain....)

The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Training Program included in the membership has got you there.

Inside The Coven, we've got your complete business education on lock, with information presented in a way that makes business creative, interesting, and dare we say…fun?


The reason that building your business alone frequently doesn’t work is that you’ll encounter mental hurdles, emotional challenges that slow or shut you down, and you may find that you’re isolated with no one who’s done what you’re trying to do around to answer your questions or coach you through your difficult moments.

To bust those plateaus, you'll need to maintain a growth mindset when the going gets tough, and probably enhance your nervous system's capacity to tolerate the unknown.

You'll need some performance coaching to help you execute the new things you're learning, while keeping you motivated and positive.

That's where the focused, science-backed, somatic & mindset coaching from a certified, trained life coach you get inside The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven comes in.

And because we are mammals designed to co-regulate, who thrive in community
(even when we’re neurospicy introverts with a bit of a jaded edge who love individuals but some days low-key hate people and don’t think of ourselves as “joiners”), it’s definitely easier to build a business when you know other people in similar industries and similar backgrounds who are also building businesses.

That’s why inside The Coven you will join
a community of fellow creative entrepreneurs of all different levels to talk to, co-work, brainstorm, collaborate, commiserate, and celebrate with.

Your business, and what you go through as you build it, doesn’t seem wild, outrageous, or weird in here! We all get what it means to take risks, put ourselves out there, attempt the impossible, and go after our dreams.

Entrepreneurship is a unique journey, and folks who don't know just
don't know.

Inside The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven there is always someone around you can talk to about all-things creative entrepreneurship, and that kind of comfort and support is priceless.

The Coven is an intentionally designed community space, which includes affinity groups for BIPOC, Black, LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent, and parent entrepreneurs, so you can always find support, content, peers, and activities that support

People are the center of this endeavor, and we know that we're capable of so much more when we collaborate and work together.

The Elemental Entrepreneurship® Coven is a jam packed high level coaching container, a mastermind, a continuing education portal, a networking dream, and every business course you need to grow your business to 6 figures — all for just a couple hundred bucks a month.

I'm joining now.

“This is the most in depth and aligned process with tools you will keep using over and over again.”

- Alyce T.

“If anyone is on the fence about joining any of Cera’s offerings, jump on the other side and DO IT! …Elemental Entrepreneurship has been a game changer for my business and mindset. My business just secured contracts that required tons of paperwork and the back end of my business had to be in order, and it was, thanks to Earth Element. And the cherry on top of the amazing program is Cera who offers the best balance of nurturing and firmness and fun. Thank you Cera!”

- Monica E.

The real magick of The Elemental Entrepreneurship Coven is
The Elemental Entrepreneurship® framework itself.


Each element contains distinct energetics, which correspond to astrology, the energy centers of the body, and different aspects of business.
The shifting of the astrological season throughout the year provides a cyclical framework for our business education and focus.
Members can choose to study The Elemental Entrepreneurship Training Program material “linearly,” in the order it was created, cyclically, by following study guides posted at the top of each astrological season/month, or move through the material based upon their own needs and interests.
There is no wrong way to approach the material, and because the framework is cyclical, it’s impossible to get “behind.” 

The method is gentle, intuitive, integrated, and comprehensive. It's the perfect blend of mystical and practical.


Earth rules the parts of business that keep us safe and secure as we do our soul work.
Budgets, contracts, systems, our core values and clarity about exactly what our medicine is (how we fit into the ecosystem).


Air rules our big vision. It’s where we connect our medicine to a mission, and decide what type of impact we want to create during our time on this planet.
Air also rules communicating the message on your heart directly to the hearts of others, and enrolling them into your vision of the future (aka copy).


In Fire we take our gifts, our uniqueness, our offers, our confidence in who we are as individuals and as creators, and we blaze it out into the world.
All things selling, marketing, and the day to day actions of
running our business are ruled by Fire.
Too much fire, and we burn out.
Not enough, and our business never makes it off the ground.
Learning to keep our spark alive and share it with others without letting it burn out or consume us is the name of the game for long-term success in entrepreneurship.


Everything about business is about relationships. How we feel about people, ourselves, visibility,  how we navigate the unknown, how we handle stress and disappointment, how we feel about money and our stories around our self worth, all of this and more shows up as you try to build a business.
Our ability to feel and process our emotions are where we sink or swim as entrepreneurs — and all business strategies are only as good as the nervous system of the body that has to execute the strategy.

Water Element is where we learn to resource ourselves and expand our capacity to hold the big feelings that come with doing our work in the world.


Every good gardener knows “the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.” Every day in between is filled with Spirit Element. Spirit rules the faith required to keep tending your business, long before you’ve seen a single sprout of evidence that it’s growing. For many people in our group, divination, ritual, magick, and communication with ancestors, deities, and unseen realms aid us in keeping our spirits high in even the most challenging of times. No matter what you believe in, Spirit Element is what you travel through after you leap, and before you land.


Life thrives when all of the Elements are in balance.
And so will your business.

I'm ready to thrive.

“With {my pt job} closing I am now completely self-employed. I would never have had the bravery to do this on my own. {Elemental Entrepreneurship} gave me a business I have always wanted and was too afraid to pursue. It’s so scary but I’m not scared. The universe really handed this one to me. I trust her to support me. I hope to take all my advantages and privileges and use them for the betterment of all…It’s swim or drown, and I won’t drown.”


- Chelsea M.

Meet Your Coaches

I'm Cera (she/her)

Head Witch and founder of Intuitive Edge Coaching, and the creator of Elemental Entrepreneurship™.

This framework has now helped dozens of my clients create and/or restructure their businesses toward freedom, fun, and sustainable profit.

There is no rigid formula in Elemental Entrepreneurship, instead, an interlocking ecosystem of concepts that you can adapt and customize to your unique business.


I am a life coach and a business coach, as well as being a life-long artist. I created EE from the perspective that we are human first, practitioners of our craft second, and business owners third. The business must reflect you as a person, support you as a practitioner, and provide for you financially. It needs to be fun, creative, and intuitive, providing just the right amount of challenge, while fostering our growth, or we won’t stick to it!

In the Coven you will get all the support you need to build a successful business, in a way that's nurturing, holistic, anti-capitalist, sustainable, spiritual, and built on how real people think and feel while going through an experience that pushes the edges of their comfort zone.

I'm glad you're here. Thank you for trusting me to be your guide.

Arthur Robinson (No Pronouns, Call Me By My Name)

Coven Community Support Liaison & Restorative Justice Facilitator


Arthur Robinson (no pronouns, non-binary) is a Central Valley native here to help individuals who are on a journey to know themselves by facilitating a destination into honesty, transparency, vulnerability, authenticity, and accountability so they can find clarity around, confirmation on, and connection towards better relationships.

Along with three decades of lived experience and several years of online training, since 2020, Arthur's work has focused on addressing harm and trauma into opportunities for healing and greater liberation by building community and practicing liberatory education for marginalized people, particularly those in the greater Black, queer, neurodiverse, and disabled communities, through in-personal communication and community organizing through abolitionist theory, restorative justice, and transformative justice practices.

"Everything worthwhile is done with other people." - Mariame Kaba

"Through time and life, I found Cera, found this community, and so did you. I feel like the right people and the right things always enter your life when you least expect it. Then, right when you stop searching, that very thing finds you.

Happy to be here. And I'm so glad to help without a doubt."


Step into a world where we take big swings, are rewarded abundantly, are cheered for and supported, where burnout is a myth and hustling is a curse you’re protected from.

When you step inside the Coven you will…

  • Get instant access to The COMPLETE Elemental Entrepreneurship® Training Program to learn everything you need to build a thriving heart-centered business 

  • Fill knowledge gaps quickly with monthly trainings from Cera & her vetted community of guest experts who are THRIVING in the online business world so that you keep learning as the online business landscape changes

  • Get laser focused guidance & support with 2x monthly group coaching from Cera so nothing knocks you off track

  • Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly visioning & planning sessions keep you on track and focused with your goals & tasks, so you always know what steps to take next

  • Gain Exclusive access to 90 minute 1-off coaching sessions or divinations with Cera (not available to the public), so that you can get focused, targeted support when you need it most

  • Exclusive access to a private Coven Coaching Community where you can ask questions, connect with other entrepreneurs, co-work, and network

  • Be part of a vibrant community of spirit-led entrepreneurs who are shifting culture and disrupting the status quo by changing the way business is done (goodbyeeeeee grind culture and exploitative business practices, hello cooperation and sustainability!)

  • Gain access to the invaluable EE referral network, where you can find your next vetted contractor, hire, team member, or collaborator
I'm in.

“Okay,”  you may be thinking, “this all sounds great, but how much is it? 
I’m not making a ton in my business yet and I don’t have a lot to invest.”

My friend, that’s why we built the Coven!

This is the type of support you’d get in a high level group coaching container, the likes of which usually costs over 10k a year, for only a couple hundred bucks a month.

If you want to lock in annual membership — even if you opt for VIP where you get a 1:1 session with Cera every single month — it’s still a fraction of the cost of most comparable group coaching programs.

Like everything about The Coven, the accessibility of the price is
intentional. Many business mentors & Coven members have suggested that The Coven membership should be way more expensive for how much value it contains (no bullshit).

However, we are committed to helping folks who are in the early stages of their business, are struggling to transition from freelancer to business owner, or haven’t seen the financial returns they’re looking for in their business yet.

Every dollar you invest in your business is precious — especially when you’re not making much money yet. And so much of the coaching world is full of overpriced fluff. We’re committed to being the antidote to programs that promise the world and
way under-deliver.

As such, we’ve invested a lot of time in creating the most supportive container possible at the most accessible price point possible, so that you can actually get the support you need as you build your business, without going into a ton of debt to get it.

Regular Membership Payment Options:




  • All of the benefits of monthly membership, with two months free!

  • Membership is active for 1 year from date of enrollment


Join Now




  • All Elemental Entrepreneurship® Course Material
  • 2 Live Group Coaching Calls per month
  • 2 Workshops or Guided Experiences per month
  • Private FB Group for ongoing Support
  • End your membership anytime
Join Now




  • All of the benefits of monthly membership, on an easy bi-weekly payment plan

  • End your membership at any time 
Join Now

* BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Single parents, and those navigating severe financial uncertainty (struggling to meet consistent monthly needs) are invited to take 20% off the program by using the code COVENSOLIDARITY at checkout.
This is an honor system with no application or hoops to jump through. 

Please consider any privilege you hold (race, class, gender, generational wealth) when selecting your payment option.

Your ability to pay full price contributes to the collective and creates spaces for those who cannot.

Note: Code does not apply to the VIP Annual Special, this package is discounted $1217 for everyone who joins by 1/6/23.  

VIP Membership Payment Options:

VIP Monthly



  • All of the benefits of Coven Membership

  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera

  • End your membership at any time


Join Now



$1217 OFF! Includes:

  • All Elemental Entrepreneurship® Course Material
  • 2 Live Group Coaching Calls per month
  • 2 Workshops or Guided Experiences per month
  • Private FB Group for ongoing Support
  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera all year
I'm a VIP!

VIP Bi-Weekly



  • All of the benefits of Coven Membership

  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera

  • End your membership at any time 
Join Now

I offer no interest payment plans to everyone.

If none of the above payment options work for you, contact me.


I offer reparative pricing to make coaching and support as accessible as possible for groups that have been historically marginalized and dis-included, especially within the coaching & wellness industries.


If that’s not enough...how about a FAST ACTING BONUS!?


The first 5 members to join will receive a FREE 60 minute 1:1 planning session with Cera to help you get crystal clear on exactly which steps you should be taking in your business over the next 3 months ($500 value)


What types of businesses are being built in The Coven?

Equine Therapy

Dance Movement Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Trauma Informed Inclusive Dance Studio (brick & mortar)

Online Yoga Studio

PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Tarot Readers

Online Psychic/Divination School

Digital Marketing Agency

Social Permaculture (brick & mortar)

Transformative Justice Facilitation

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Thai Bodywork (brick & mortar)

Online Dance & Creativity Training for adults


Dance training for kids (brick & mortar, non-profit)

Burnout Recovery Coaching

Corporate DEI Training Programs

Leadership & Ethics Coaching for Startups & Corporations

Relationship Coaching

Community Care & Nervous System Support for Activists & Frontline Workers

Anti-Diet Culture Personal Training

Movement Rehabilitation for Artists with Repetitive Stress Injuries

Cannabis Bakery & Gluten Free Edibles (brick & mortar)

OnlyFans Creators & Online S*cks Workers

Meditation/Healing Facilitators


…basically, all these people are fucking cool, creative, service oriented humans who are changing the world, and ready to make good money doing it.

Try It For Yourself Guarantee


You may be feeling a bit of hesitation. Doubt. Risk. That’s understandable.
"How do I know this will help me?”
Simple. Try it.

While there will only be specific times a year Coven doors open, when you join on the Monthly plan there is no long-term commitment for membership.

You can end your monthly membership at any time.

You can come in, get all the support you need, and organically flow out when you’re ready — or stay and hang out for the coaching & community as long as you’d like!

The duration of your membership, and how involved you are, is entirely up to you.

The annual plan buys you 12 months inside the Coven with pretty substantial savings, but if you’d like to try it for a month or two, join at the Monthly level, and if it’s not transformative for you, you can end your membership at any time.

I'm ready.

“Cera, you really dive into the “Why” and the “Heart” of business. As a result, I’ve never felt more connected with my Purpose, my Destiny. I feel more at ease as a human, because I’m more aligned with my gifts and my medicine. You’ve helped me tap into myself.”

- Kim M.

“I’ve been through a couple of other entrepreneur trainings and they left me with a sense that something was missing, but I couldn’t figure out what that was. Elemental Entrepreneurship gives you real world tools to actually understand what you have to offer the world. Then it gives you the step by step guidance to deliver something you are legitimately thrilled to share. This works because you are woven into the structure of your business on every level. It is authentically you. It’s soul driven rather than just pushing you to cash in on people’s fears.”

- Alys T.

Let’s Recap, Shall we?

When you join The Elemental Entrepreneurship Coven you’ll get…

  • The educational support of all Elemental Entrepreneurship Training Program while you’re enrolled in the Coven 
    (that’s 38 hours of training plus dozens of swipe files, templates, and customizable resources you can use in your business right away)

  • The coaching you need with twice monthly group coaching with Cera - and exclusive access to booking discounted 1:1 sessions when you want them 
    (That’s 48 hours of coaching per year)

  • Ongoing inspiration through twice monthly workshops on emerging and cutting edge topics in business (and the emotional/spiritual side of building a business)
    (45+ hours of additional training and support on specialized topics in business)

  • Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly visioning & planning sessions keep you on track and focused with your goals & tasks
    (12 planning sessions a year to keep you on track)

  • A vibrant community of likeminded heart-centered entrepreneurs who are always there to support you, network with you, co-work with you, and cheer for you as you grow


By the numbers that’s…

  • 38 hours of recorded trainings
  • 48 hours of group coaching
  • 45+ hours of live trainings and support events
  • 12 planning sessions
  • And dozens of new colleagues, friends, and co-conspirators

…for just a couple hundred bucks a month!

I'm in.

It’s anti-capitalist business school, a mastermind, business & life coaching, and a cool-ass club, all in one, for just a couple hundred bucks a month.


Now we arrive at a crossroads.

You can stay a solo practitioner, working on your business dreams alone.

OR, you can join the Coven and start getting hands-on support, top notch education, high quality coaching, and a vibrant community of peers to help you get farther, faster.

Which path you choose is entirely up to you. Both will have challenges, and rewards.

Take a moment now to place yourself on each path, and imagine your life 6 months down the road.

Which direction lights you up the most?

If Coven-life looks lit, join now, because the doors only open a few times a year, and the current pricing won’t stick around forever (especially these annual winter specials)!

If you’re still on the fence, remember that you can join at the monthly membership rate and leave anytime, with no long term commitment.

How fast you reach your goals is entirely up to you.

But inside the Coven, we’ll do everything we can to help you win.

Regular Membership Payment Options:




  • All of the benefits of monthly membership, with two months free!

  • Membership is active for 1 year from date of enrollment


Join Now




  • All Elemental Entrepreneurship® Course Material
  • 2 Live Group Coaching Calls per month
  • 2 Workshops or Guided Experiences per month
  • Private FB Group for ongoing Support
  • End your membership anytime
Join Now




  • All of the benefits of monthly membership, on an easy bi-weekly payment plan

  • End your membership at any time 
Join Now

* BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Single parents, and those navigating severe financial uncertainty (struggling to meet consistent monthly needs) are invited to take 20% off the program by using the code COVENSOLIDARITY at checkout.
This is an honor system with no application or hoops to jump through. 

Please consider any privilege you hold (race, class, gender, generational wealth) when selecting your payment option.

Your ability to pay full price contributes to the collective and creates spaces for those who cannot.

Note: Code does not apply to the VIP Annual Special, this package is discounted $1217 for everyone who joins by 1/6/23.  

VIP Membership Payment Options:

VIP Monthly



  • All of the benefits of Coven Membership

  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera

  • End your membership at any time


Join Now



$1217 OFF! Includes:

  • All Elemental Entrepreneurship® Course Material
  • 2 Live Group Coaching Calls per month
  • 2 Workshops or Guided Experiences per month
  • Private FB Group for ongoing Support
  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera all year
I'm a VIP!

VIP Bi-Weekly



  • All of the benefits of Coven Membership

  • Monthly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Cera

  • End your membership at any time 
Join Now

I offer no interest payment plans to everyone.

If none of the above payment options work for you, contact me.


I offer reparative pricing to make coaching and support as accessible as possible for groups that have been historically marginalized and dis-included, especially within the coaching & wellness industries.


- Faelan Shiva, RoseOfVenus.com

In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are SOME Commonly Asked Questions!


There is no guarantee that by using the techniques and ideas in this material that you will earn money or have a specific outcome. We do not purport any of our products to be a “get rich quick” scheme. We cannot guarantee your success level or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Many factors are important in determining your actual experience and results, and no guarantees are made that your results will be similar to ours or the testimonials of our customers. in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques in our material.

As with any coaching, course, or training, your results are determined by how you apply the material in your life.

What we can say is that a very high percentage of EE alumni are still in business and using the EE tools and frameworks actively in their profitable businesses, and there’s no reason you can’t succeed as well if you do the work!